Chunky Veg and Lentil soup

Lentils are packed with protein and fibre. Red lentils don't need to be soaked. This soup is ideal for using up those last bits of veg in the fridge, This recipe is an example of the soup made in the film ( click on the link)


  • 2 sprouts cut in half
  • Half a courgette cut into cubes
  • 1 shallott or 1/4 onion ( chopped)
  • 1 small potato or equivalent size of sweet potato
  • 6 inch piece of celery chopped
  • frozen broadbeans
  • red lentils ( rinsed) , no need to soak. 1 tbsp
  • 200ml stock ( either veg or chicken stock )
  • 1/2 tsp dried mixed herbs


  1. This soup is about using up what is left in the fridge or freezer.
  2. Chop up the veggies into small pieces and put into the soup maker , add the rinsed lentils and the frozen broad beans . ( any frozen veg will do )
  3. Make up 200ml of stock and pour into the soup maker
  4. Replace the lid and using the Selection button, choose the CHUNKY program. This program will cook the ingredients without blending. cooking time 24 Mins .
  5. When the soup is ready the machine will beep 3 times. As shown in the video, scoop out some of the cooked vegetables and place in a bowl.
  6. Replace the lid and select the BLEND program. this process will blend the remaining soup for ten seconds. It will create a thicker base for the soup and perfect when added to the rest of the veg in the bowl.