Cosy and comforting and a great boost for your immune system, blood vessel health and brain function with this favourite
Leftover Roast chicken soup
What to do with that leftover chicken from Sunday lunch! This recipe is perfect for using up some veg and chicken.
St. Patrick’s Day Colcannon Soup
Potatoes and Cabbage are at the heart of this Irish feast. Green and sumptuous, why wait until St. Patrick's Day to enjoy it ? This recipe is great any day.
Creamy Roasted Tomato and Red Pepper Soup
Roasting the tomatoes and peppers first gives this soup an amazing flavour. Tomatoes and red peppers are very good sources of Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. the ingredients in this soup help your body cleanse and repair, boost your immune system and protect your cells.
Immunity boosting green soup
This immunity boosting green soup is packed with antioxidants and vitamins.
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